Sunday, April 3, 2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I love quiet Sunday and my coffee...and quiet. Seems like yesterday when I was a young Mom with 3 young children, wondering if I would EVER have a nice quiet Sunday morning, that I could sleep in if I chose to, or get up and do nothing...if I chose to. It felt like I would never see that day. But here it is...and I love it. BUT [yes there is always a but] I do so much miss those weekend mornings when everyone was up and about, looking for breakfast, watching cartoons, arguing over what they would watch, or because someone was too close, or touching get the idea? We can't have it both ways though can we? In that case, I will keep the warm memories of my children being little children [arguments and all] wrapped closely in my heart...and savor these quiet Sunday and my coffee.

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