Okay so here's the deal. Since the beginning of football season, my desktop wallpaper @ work has been the New Orleans Saint's football schedule because, well because I LOVE the Saints. The girls at work know how much I love changing my desktop background but I simply couldn't make myself change this one....

Well, Friday I thought, oh I will just change it for Halloween then after I will put this one back up. SO I did....O M G they all yelled at me saying "that's it, you jinxed the Saints now" and "if they lose Sunday, don't even come back to work Monday". I laughed (just a little because I wondered, maybe I did jinx them) and said you guys are crazy! WELL....1. The Saint's lost....2 Sean Payton was injured on the sideline and had to have surgery...AND....3 I found out today that Paul McDonald got married yesterday! You know Paul McDonald from American Idol's last season right? WHAT? You don't know Paul McDonald???? OK...here he is...is he not a cutie??

Yes...he got married and I was not even invited to the wedding! But that's okay Paul, honey, I forgive you since it was a small wedding, I totally understand (NOT).
SO needless to say, guess who changed their desktop background today? Yep...you guessed it, I did....and NO it's not a picture of Paul (he betrayed me).
Its back to the New Orleans Saints background....
Lord I hope next weekend is a better one!!!!
And now for a recipe for you guys...who doesn't love Cinnamon Rolls? These are amazing and makes an excellent breakfast or brunch treat....enjoy!

2 tablespoons butter, softened
1/4 cup finely chopped nuts
1 (12.4-oz.) can Pillsbury® Refrigerated Cinnamon Rolls with Icing